P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – ASSE 3 “Competitività delle imprese”
Azione 3.1.1 “Aiuti per investimenti in macchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale”.
Covid19 – Adeguamento processi produttivi delle PMI
Description of the intervention
Intervention aimed at improving efficiency, workflow organization and ensuring business continuity.
The intervention focused on the development of proprietary software for the collaborative management of large amounts of technical documentation, the purchase of personal protective equipment and hardware devices that allowed to work in SmartWorking mode, also promoting the process of digitization of all business activities.
Purpose and results of the intervention
The main objectives of the intervention carried out were:
– Reduce travel, and thus physical contacts, at customers and suppliers through innovative software developed specifically for this purpose.
– Enable collaborative management of technical documentation that is the subject of the company’s non-presence business activities. Digitization of some business processes, also allowing reduced use of paper support.
– The improvement of the enterprise process and service through the purchase of hardware devices.
– The ability to work in SmartWorking mode during the Covid19 pandemic, reducing contact and promoting social distancing, through the purchase of hardware devices.
– The reduction of Covid19 infection risks of F3Studio Srl employees through the purchase of personal health protection devices.